[閱讀週記] 20181008-1014

[閱讀週記] 20181008-1014

Source: Fixing bugs in production.

閱讀週記第11期, 記錄過去一週閱讀中覺得值得分享的資訊…


  • Asterisks in Python: what they are and how to use them
    這篇文章討論了 ‘*’ & ‘**’ 在 Python 中的用法,包含了以下的情境:

    • Using * and ** to pass arguments to a function
    • Using * and ** to capture arguments passed into a function
    • Using * to accept keyword-only arguments
    • Using * to capture items during tuple unpacking
    • Using * to unpack iterables into a list/tuple
    • Using ** to unpack dictionaries into other dictionaries
  • Announcing Camelot, a Python Library to Extract Tabular Data from PDFs
    一個 Python Library 以及命令行工具,可以讓我們輕鬆提取在PDF文件中的 data tables。

[Machine Learing]


  • 怎麼寫Bug:用反諷的標題來分享 bug 是如何被寫出來的。


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